za 15 feb

wo 26 feb 2025
AGENTS & JUICE - a new interdisciplinary performance art collective based in Tilburg - explore the constraints, liberties and complexities of contemporary nightlife, emerging organically from their own personal explorations of the cracks and crevices.
AGENTS & JUICE dive into the constraints, liberties and complexities of contemporary nightlife, grappling with nocturnal challenges relevant to our current times, through the exploration of different art forms. With a sweet disposition towards jazz and physical slapstick comedy, they take us on a journey through the liminal realms of the dance floor, exploring fleeting moments and memories that last a lifetime in the body. They chase chaos, euphoria, the especially highs, the definite lows. Their work comments, satires, transforms - is physical, absurd, humorous, yet hopeful and full of joy.
All communication surrounding this event will be in English
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